Airlines Are Now Asking To Be Bumped From KCI Flight

Airlines Are Now Asking To Be Bumped From KCI Flight

Is anyone really surprised that the chaos that preceded the KCI vote last year has been one-upped by the chaos that followed? Of course the good news is that now, finally, the airlines have said what I and others have been saying all along – they’re not...
This Should NOT Be “How We Do Kansas City”

This Should NOT Be “How We Do Kansas City”

There is a popular expression employed by VisitKC and other KC promoters: “This Is How We Do Kansas City.” But nearly everyone agrees that the process by which we’ve evaluated the need for a single terminal at Kansas City International Airport has...
Is Passenger Seating Not Included In A New KCI?

Is Passenger Seating Not Included In A New KCI?

Architectural renderings by design (no pun intended) are meant to evoke Ooooh’s and Ahhhhh’s. The preliminary renderings of a proposed new terminal at Kansas City International Airport, released by Edgemoor Infrastructure a few weeks ago, are no exception....
Whatever Happened To “May The Best Proposal Win”?

Whatever Happened To “May The Best Proposal Win”?

One of the things I do for marketing clients is help them create a legitimately better product or service. A clearly superior option sells itself at a premium without the need for endless amounts advertising, promotions and gimmicks trying to convince people...
Seeking Understanding of The Memorandum of Understanding

Seeking Understanding of The Memorandum of Understanding

Over the weekend I posted a list of questions regarding the announcement last week of a private financing option for a new terminal at Kansas City International Airport. Today I’m asking for help from readers to review and interpret the Memorandum of...

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