Would You Underwrite This Loan?

Would You Underwrite This Loan?

Recently it was announced that the airlines and the city were revisiting “the scope” of the new terminal at Kansas City International Airport. Of course, this is due to the seemingly never-ending increases in the projected cost of completion. What started...
Airlines Are Now Asking To Be Bumped From KCI Flight

Airlines Are Now Asking To Be Bumped From KCI Flight

Is anyone really surprised that the chaos that preceded the KCI vote last year has been one-upped by the chaos that followed? Of course the good news is that now, finally, the airlines have said what I and others have been saying all along – they’re not...
They Look Good On Paper But Will They Fly At KCI?

They Look Good On Paper But Will They Fly At KCI?

The city now has the four proposals for a new single-terminal at Kansas City International Airport. Each submitting group has spent 6-digit amounts in time and materials (and in Burns and McDonnell’s case, considerable PR and advertising) preparing their cases....
We Can Do Better Than This

We Can Do Better Than This

When I started this site in 2013, it was not because the idea of a new single terminal at Kansas City International Airport was necessarily a horrible one. It was because the reasons given for it were misleading and as was later proven in some cases, untrue. Thus, if...
The Incredible Shrinking Airport

The Incredible Shrinking Airport

While most of the recent conversation concerning Kansas City International Airport has focused on the question of who’s paying for what, the question of what is actually needed has yet to be decided. Moreover, Landrum & Brown, the expert consultants who the...

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