I received this today from Friends of KCI who is launching a referendum effort to overturn the City Council vote of April 11. The next step is to collect about 7200 valid signatures in the next 30 days to place the question on the ballot. Look for more details in the coming days.


Subject of This Notice: City Council Resolution 130234, adopted by the City Council of the City of Kansas City, Missouri on April 11, 2013, adding the New Terminal Advance Planning study as an amendment to the 2008 KCI Master Plan (“Resolution”).

To Marilyn Sanders, City Clerk, City of Kansas City, Missouri:

We, the undersigned, registered voters of Kansas City, Missouri respectfully provide this notice to you stating our intention to cause referendum petitions to be circulated to submit the Resolution, described above, to the electors.  Each of us for himself or herself says: I am a registered voter of Kansas City, MO, I have personally signed this petition in ink or indelible pencil, on the date so stated, and my residence address is correctly written after my name.

I’ve always said, one can’t have too many friends.

UPDATE 4/22/13: The Kansas City Star reports this morning that this particular referendum process cannot go forward.

…city spokesman Danny Rotert said today that City Attorney Bill Geary has determined the petition was invalid. That’s because a referendum is designed to overturn a council ordinance, or law. The council’s vote on April 11 was just a resolution –– an advisory measure directing the city manager to continue the planning for a new KCI terminal.

The Friends of KCI have posted this on their Facebook page:
Our intent does not change as a result of the city of KCMO invalidating this petition signed by Kansas Citians. We are exploring alternatives to force the city to only go forward with the approval of the voters by ballot. $1.2 Billion is too large an expenditure for only a few to decide on.
This is only the beginning.

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