Photo Credit: Austin Alonzo/Kansas City Business Journal
Here are links to five pages with relevant content. The first link goes to the page with the Airport Terminal Advisory Group (ATAG) documents, presentations and “Airport School” docs. The second is an edited (by the Aviation Dept) version of the original presentation made to the City Council by the Aviation Department. It was toned-down after the presentation and public push-back. The Show-Me Institute articles are those published since the debate began. The Renovate KCI link goes to a page managed by Dr. Charles Cammack, PE featuring his alternative renovation plan and comments. The next link is to the Kansas City Council’s airport committee that was created after the ATAG finished, wherein you can find the meeting videos as well as the final presentation and docs offered on 4/16/16. The final one contains master plans and all of the most recent meetings and presentations.
Airport Terminal Advisory Group Page
Proposed Single-Terminal Information Page
Show-Me Institute Articles on KCI
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