Once Again Those Pesky Numbers Just Don’t Add-Up

Once Again Those Pesky Numbers Just Don’t Add-Up

Aviation Director Mark VanLoh deserves a lot of credit for using private screeners at KCI. As noted in a New York Times article in January 2012 they are more efficient than their TSA counterparts, in one study screening 65% more passengers per employee. But Mr. VanLoh...
So What Are Special Obligation Bonds And Why Should We Care?

So What Are Special Obligation Bonds And Why Should We Care?

There is an interesting article tonight dealing with a little talked about way of funding large projects without a vote of the people. This is important because there is increasing concern that the big stash of federal cash that new terminal proponents had paraded...
“He runs a parking garage with an airfield attached.”

“He runs a parking garage with an airfield attached.”

Dave Helling has an excellent piece in the Star. Well thought out and backed up with numbers. And it provides one of the funniest lines of this discussion to date. After noting that the Aviation Department would likely have to find at least $50 million just to cover...

A Guest Comment

I received this via email this morning and wanted to share. I asked the author if I could post with his name and he graciously granted permission. Thank you for putting this website together. I’m concerned about this project for the following reasons. First,...

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