Today was a big day. Today we finally learned from the airlines themselves that not only would a shiny new terminal not attract flights, it might cost us some of the non-stop service we now enjoy. Ron Ricks and Bob Montgomery, the two executives at Southwest Airlines...
Way back in early April at the Council hearing, the Aviation Department’s consultant Mark Perryman suggested that Kansas City look to Sacramento’s new billion dollar terminal project as an example of what Kansas City could expect from a “newer...
As you know, there was a bomb threat this morning just as the Airport Advisory Group was beginning to hear public testimony and receive suggestions for questions to be posed to airline representatives on 12/17. I’m hopeful that a venue will be made available to...
There was a rather remarkable discussion of KCI on KCPT’s Ruckus last week. For one thing, liberal pundit Mary O’Halloran agreed with Show-Me Institute’s Crosby Kemper III. As amazing as that was, more remarkable were Yael Abouhalkah’s...
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