I received this via email this morning and wanted to share. I asked the author if I could post with his name and he graciously granted permission. Thank you for putting this website together. I’m concerned about this project for the following reasons. First,...
I was unable to attend the committee and Council meetings today due to job obligations but did receive a couple of emails from people in the committee meeting and was able to catch a few minutes of the council online. Here are some initial thoughts… The email...
Yael Abouhalkah has another nice column in the Star this morning, expanding on his online piece the other night. Here are some highlights (emphasis mine): Show that the new terminal could add a lot more flights at KCI; get the public some proof from the...
Tomorrow, the latest KCI terminal proposal will be presented to the Kansas City Council’s Transportation & Infrastructure Committee at 8:45 a.m. and then to the full council at 1 p.m. On the docket already is a resolution to adopt and implement this new plan. Yes,...
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