It would seem that the new PR strategy on the single-terminal design is to break the 1.2 billion dollar price tag into smaller, bite-sized chunks. I’m sure the numbers in today’s KC Star article are more accurate than the “sticker stock”...
(If this is your first visit, click here first. Then grab a cup of coffee.) One of the first tasks that Mayor James’ KCI task force is going to undertake is called “Airport 101.” This will be where the task force hears from experts and learns how...
There is a story on page one of today’s KC Star under the headline: Political Turbulence Rattles Plans For A Single-Terminal KCI. Overall, the story is well-researched and well presented. However, there are a few points that merit comment or clarification. “I’ve...
I was unable to attend the committee and Council meetings today due to job obligations but did receive a couple of emails from people in the committee meeting and was able to catch a few minutes of the council online. Here are some initial thoughts… The email...
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