Yesterday, I had to make a day trip to Denver. As I tweeted yesterday morning, it literally took me only 8-minutes from the time I locked my car in the KCI garage until I was through security and standing at the gate ready to board. By comparison that afternoon in...
(If this is your first visit, click hereĀ first. Then grab a cup of coffee.) One of the first tasks that Mayor James’ KCI task force is going to undertake is called “Airport 101.” This will be where the task force hears from experts and learns how...
I think the reason that talk of a potential hub at KCI won’t go away is that most people prefer non-stop flights. I do too. And perhaps there is a belief in some circles that visions of non-stop flights to every corner of the universe will be so powerful that...
There is a very well-researched article in the Kansas City Star this morning that confirms what has been said here all along. Airlines look for profitable passengers, not shiny terminals. I admit, the first line had me thinking, “Here we go again.” But...
A little over a week ago I launched this site with the simple hope of starting a conversation to learn why certain civic leaders think it’s a good idea to spend $1.2 billion to replace an airport that, according to a recent poll, 70% of us like and don’t...
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