Yael Abouhalkah has another nice column in the Star this morning, expanding on his online piece the other night. Here are some highlights (emphasis mine):
Show that the new terminal could add a lot more flights at KCI; get the public some proof from the airlines, not just bland promises. Show how it could attract jobs and boost the economy. Provide statistics showing whether comparable cities have gained flights with modern terminals.
Clearly illustrate to the public how the new terminal could still be convenient for them. Don’t throw out a mushy promise, as VanLoh has done. Tell passengers how close-in the parking would be. Give walk times from the front door, through security, to the gates.
Finally, pull together all the promised savings on security and upkeep, then prove that this would reduce ticket price inflation in the future. That could help get more Kansas Citians excited about the single terminal.
It’s very telling that VanLoh and the politicians are finally concerned about how Kansas Citians — and not just the airlines — feel about the new terminal, now that it’s possible the federal government won’t be a huge financial contributor for it. Instead, Mayor Sly James may have to lead a campaign to get voters to support bonds — paid for by KCI users, not taxpayers — to help construct it.
Spot on with one exception, the majority of KCI users ARE local taxpayers. They’re US. We’re going to pay for this one way or another.
Agreed with your last point, however the general passenger funds that we pay to KCI, are also paid to any airport you fly in and out of. At the end of the day, the federal money used to construct the new terminal will go to a different city with a similar plan to KCI.
Apologies for the delay in getting these out of the queue. I found them in the spam folder. I didn’t want you to think I was filtering out opposing views. I’m all for them but want to moderate to keep out spammers and those who like to use inappropriate language and personal attacks. Again, sorry for the delay and thanks for your comments.