The city has come together and overwhelmingly made its decision on Kansas City International Airport. We’ve said that we want a new single-terminal at KCI and more specifically, since the final terms, plans and costs are not yet agreed upon, we’ve said that we trust the city to get it right.
Доверяй, но проверяй. Trust, but verify. – Russian proverb made famous by Ronald Reagan.
Stephen Hardy is the CEO of mySidewalk, a company located in downtown KC who’s stated purpose is:
a city intelligence tool that makes it easy for analysts in local government to measure performance, make sense of the results, and deliver a compelling narrative to policymakers and the public.
Today, Mr. Hardy tweeted a first release of a KCI Progress Tracker. This is excellent. In fact, I’ve linked to it near the top of the right sidebar. On it you will see some data regarding trends and the vote as well as goals and progress meters. The only contention at first glance is his employment impact metric. He has a goal of 4,000 jobs by 2021, but EDC folks and Councilman Fowler in the his KC Star OpEd promised 17,000. His goal of 75 non-stop destinations might be a little aggressive (we have 51 now – already above average for a market our size) but who am I to judge?
Perhaps we should take a poll on how many new jobs, as well as non-stop flights to U.S. and international destinations people were expecting when they cast their ballots. It will be interesting to see what else mySidewalk decides to track in the coming weeks.
Meanwhile, it’s a great start. Kudos to mySidewalk for taking this initiative. As I’m sure there is at least a little marketing motivation behind their effort, I am happy to give them a tiny bit of exposure here.
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